Nylon fasteners for 3dr radios on IRIS

What is the size/type of the white nylon screws which fasten the 3dr transmitter in IRIS?

I need to purchase a few of these after some hard objects “rubbed” IRIS during flight and broke them. Now, the 3DR transmitter is loose, and needs to be fastened more securely. I suppose I can use some velcro or something similar, but would like to keep it the way the designer intended (for now) as best I can.

Vernon Bell

I had the exact same problem… crashed my iris and it broke one of the three nylon standoffs that keep the radio in place.

Here’s what I got via email support (Fabian)

“The screw is a M2.5mm and the spacer measures M2.5 X 5mm.”

I can’t find nylon m2.5 stuff at digi-key/mouser/McMaster-carr… If somebody finds a source for these please post a link!

Have you tried using Dual Lock?

tapplastics.com/uploads/prod … ock-xl.jpg

It works awesome!