NTRIP with Ardusimple

Hi All,

I have installed an Ardusimple RTK2b reciever on my rover and would like to use the local NTRIP service for RTK corrections. It seems to login ok and I get to an RTK fix however it doesn’t seem to stay with a fixed solution for very long ie only about 1 minute. Also, on the RTK inject page I get an error message saying “Configuration of fixed position in Septentrio failed.”

Any help much appreciated.

Kind Regards,

When I tried RTK on a rover I have been mostly in RTK float; however, the place had a lot of trees around.

You may check the satellites conditions at the place and time of your test:
Trimble GNSS Planning
or try to test choosing in advance the lowest HDOP interval (best below 0.4).

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Thanks @Webillo I will take those suggestions on board. The Trimble GNSS Planning page looks very useful.

Kind Regards,


Does anyone know, where this error message comes from, and what it exactly means?