Notch Filter with In Flight Dynamic FFT


In the process of getting our drone ready, my team and I carried out manual PID tuning and are now in the process of setting up the Notch Filter, we had gone through the process, and due to looking at the log scaled values (instead of the normal scale), we thought we had no noise and left everything as default with the FFT_MINHZ being 80Hz.

After flying with the Notch filter activated, it was more difficult to control the drone and oscillations got worse. After going through various topics in the forum, I was able to change the scale from logarithmic to normal and noticed a noise at 69 Hz.

So my team and I are planning to fly the drone tomorrow after properly configuring the FFT and Notch Filters. Could you please help us by going through the logs to see if there is anything else we missed?

Also looking at the SNR for all three axes, only the X-axis has a value greater than the default (25 for FFT_SNR_REF). Do you think we need to reduce this or do you think once we properly configure the FFTMINHZ to 60Hz, INS_HNTCH_FREQ to 60Hz, and INS_HNTCH_BW to 30HZ, everything will work out and the FFT_SNR_REF parameter will not need to be changed?

Details About the Drone
Battery: 6S 10Ah LiPO battery
Motor: SunnySky 340KV
Propeller: 14X7, 3 blades

First Log to Check for Noise
Log with Notch Filter Active

Thank you!