I am unable to get any yaw control whilst in hover. I have built a V Tail Plane with a Matek f405 VTOL board with Crossfire Rx installed and configured the servo outputs as per the V-Tail planes guide and checked the movements as per the guide. On the servo output in Mission Planner operating the Tx (In Qstab) Ele I get Up/Down movement but when I move the rudder there is no movement. Testing in manual I get Ele Up/Down on both surfaces, Move the rudder stick, Right V-Tail, Rud Left surface moves Left/Up, R V-tail Right surface movement Left/Down. Then if I input right Rud there is no deflection in the L V-Tail and the R V-Tail. I don’t know what to do now now or what to check if I have something set up incorrectly. I have done a couple of hovers but full deflection of rudder either way but has no effect. Can anyone advise where to go or what to check I have logging enabled and the two flights were recorded if that helps. Thanks in advance.

Further to above on the Calibrate Radio Screen I can see the The Rudder CH4 moving but no output on through the F/C. I change the control in the servo output to another output say Elevator the channel works but change it back to Rudder and i doesn’t operate, it shows channel movement in the radio calibrate screen but not in the servo output. Any suggestions?

Went back to basics again and reset everything as per the V-Tail manual tested all conditions on the bench QSTAB, FBWA and Manual. All servos now working as they should. Did a hover test in the back yard wow YAW control is now working. I don’t know what changed but resetting the functions must have cleared the gremlin out of the board.

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You can use Mission Planner to compare parameters.