No Relay/GPIO signal output in AUX1

I have no signal through AUX 1 after configuring it as a Relay output to my Sony camera through a Lua Script.
I don’t know if I did something wrong with the parameters.

Parameters changed:

Is there something I’m missing?
Is there a better way to make a camera shoot each second other than a Lua?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi, did you get this sorted ?

My problems were the wrong pin number, now its working really well.
Did you put a meter across the relay pins - are they changng voltage ? - maybe a Sony prob ??

Do you want the camera to shoot every second, or at a specific distance ? If every second, just set the camera to auto-repeat. If distance, then make a flight plan, these contain “take picture” commands - that will fire the camera relay pin for you. Go look up waypoint missions, that may help.

If you use mission planner, and do a plan

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Yes, it finally works.

My problem was the voltage input for the pins. The cable wasn’t working.
It seems that it can work sometimes without voltage but makes everything not work if failure.


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