What modes if any are available without running the apm software and com link? can i use loiter and maintain altitude + stabilize modes?
got everything put together and charged up but still having problems with the apm software on my mac. as long as im not running waypoints and autonomous routes can i fly with just my copter and the controller. i have the firmware installed as well.
Im wondering what flying functionality is lost when i am not connected to APM planner software. Im mostly asking what the gap between a preloaded firmware and config on the autopilot module on the copter and what the link to the laptop running APM planner is.
im having troubles getting the connection between helicopter/controller to laptop running all i have is the preloaded firmware on the autopilot from the factory (event38) and want to get flying asap.
I assume it will be pretty difficult to start flying without a connection to a GCS.
You have to calibrate your RC, your ACC, your compass, have to program flightmodes etc.
I have a Mac, too, and I tried with APM Planner on Mac and QGroundcontrol, but both are not stable at all on my Mac (OS X 10.9). Finally, I installed Windows 7 (you can download and use it for free from MS for 90 days) on VirtualBox. That works pretty well.