New Type Coax Copter

Hi everyone,
I am an Erasmus student at Klagenfurt University. My professor designed a copter and I am not sure how I can build pixhawk on it. The article link about the helicopter is below.
Now I should explain the design of the UAV. The UAV consists of a double-blade coaxial shaft rotor and four swash masses that allow changing the orientation and maneuvering the UAV. Also, the difference between a coax helicopter and a swash mass helicopter is that one of the blades is upside down. How can I customize pixhawk ( I am using QGroundController) to hover this helicopter and stabilize it ? The architecture of a swash mass helicopter is a little bit different from a coax copter and I do not if I can customize it for hovering. ( My first task is to fly it and maintain it in the air. Then I will work on pitch, roll, and yaw axes).

  1. First, Should I select the airframe as a Coax copter for this design?
  2. How can I control altitude by thrust? I am asking that because one of the blades is up-side-down and I want to know if it occurs a problem to control it. How can I customize pixhawk ( I am using QGroundController) to hover this helicopter and stabilize it? I have a transmitter to control the UAV.
  3. In this design, there are 4 rotating masses and 2 servos that control them. How can I control these servos by using pixhawk for pitch and yaw axes? I do not have any experience in this field ( which is not a default airframe on pixhawk).
    I am open to hearing any kind of advice. Here is my e-mail:
    Kind regards,