New Nano Sky Viper with Ardupilot?

So @tridge does this commit open up SkyViper to put ArduPilot on a “new” m550? :smiley: A m550 with Acro!!! well…at least configurable lean angles!

Sorry…and yes…I am a stalker.


Sorry. The Nano is not getting the AP love.

Oh well, one can dream. :slight_smile:

I really don’t think it needs the AP. As you know I put the M550 FC in a TW frame and it flies awesome in the house. Total SV autohover control.

I just want the adjustable parameters lol. I also have issues with my m550
going crazy in the yaw axis every now and then, but I think that perhaps it
is the controller…like the dead zone is too tight or something, cuz most
the time it flies good and straight, but sometimes, without touching left
stick, it’ll just start yawing. Oh well, still fun the chase the kids
around the house with.