New ArduPilot methodic configurator GUI

@Yuri_Rage @nostromo123 I now updated the install instructions on the file to use venv

Can you guys review my changes?

I added more used case documentation on how to use an existing configured vehicle parameter values instead of the template values:



@ amilcarlucas - an excellent tool to guide and streamline AP setup - I was wondering whether I could run the configurator also to check the AP settings on a rover - i.e. on functions and parameters that are common to copter and rover.

Yes, that is possible and I am waiting for @rmackay9 to provide me with properly configured.bin files of rovers and boats.
Once that is done I can extend the support to those types of vehicles.
@timtuxworth is already helping me with plane.

Today an AION robotics R1 rover template was added with the help of fellow ArduPilot developer @rmackay9 .

Rover is now supported

There is a new release that uses MAVFTP if supported by the FC and the firmware.

Parameter download now runs in under one second for a slow CubeBlack board, H7 boards should be even faster.

It no longer needs you to extract the parameter default values from a .bin file manually, it does it all automatically now.

Automatic .lua scripting upload will follow on the next weeks.

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good news - I give it try to configure my sub running a PixRacer Pro

Post the resulting .zip file and ill make a template out of it.

After trying the configurator instead of online step guide , I get following error.

After creating vehicle ( with template files) I cannot save the 02_IMU_temperature_setup.param.

configurator crashes or gives following error.,

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1968, in call
File “”, line 708, in close_connection_and_quit
File “”, line 643, in write_changes_to_intermediate_parameter_file
File “”, line 255, in export_to_param
File “”, line 235, in format_params
TypeError: unsupported format string passed to Par.format

for your info, the file was not changed in the directory…

Are you using the latest development version from two hours ago?

version 0.9.0 was written above it

I use continous integration and deployment software paradigms. In other words, can you please re-download it and retest. The version is labeled latest development on the website

no problem , i test new version … fyi on startup i got warning

2024-08-03 22:38:11,375 - WARNING - File ‘vehicle_components.json’ not found in C:\Users\nicoj\AppData\Roaming.ardupilot_methodic_configurator. ( in version 0.9.0)

That is normal when you start it on a directory without vehicle configuration files

yes the development build doesnt seem to have problem with saving and uploading param file to the cube…

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Thanks for the feedback

Hi @amilcarlucas are Planes supported in the configurator already, or is it still in development?


@timtuxworth is working on it with me, yes.

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