New ArduPilot methodic configurator GUI

We added a template for a 350Kg copter, and fixed the single known bug.


v1.0.9 Latest





v1.0.15 Latest






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Iā€™m up to 22_Quick_Tune and I have the LUA script loaded and I rebooted the FC but there is no QUIK_xx parameters showing. I also get his screen which seems to to indicate QUIK_Tune is not working.

I have a Matek H743-SLIM V3
Any help fixing tis would be appreciated!

Is scripting enabled?
That should have benn done in step 13 or something.

And you are using a very old version. Update ASAP.

Scipting is enabled and I updated about aweek ago.

You are using 1.0.9 from three weeks ago.
The latest version is 1.0.17

You are 8 releases behind!

Downloaded 1.0.18 still the same problem. It loads the script to the SD card but
It seems the LUA script is not running on boot up and therefore doesnā€™t create the Quik parameters.
I have set Script heapsize to 300000 but no luck. Iā€™m using a Matek H743-SLIM V3 which may be the problem??

We use the same controller here. No issues with it. Check your SDcard.

Check that the script is downloaded properly and has a .lua extension.

@Yuri_Rage @amilcarlucas Thanks and got sorted.
The first problem is the .lua file downloaded from the MC was empty.
I manually installed it and it ran ONCE the quad was powered!! I canā€™t find where anyone mentioned that!!
I would suggest that the wiki provide a bit more detail to cover the following!

  • The .lua file opens in a browser window and has to be saved as a .lua file
  • The LUA file only runs when the machine is fully powered - not by USB only
  • The QUIK_xxxx parameters will only appear after the LUA file has been run.

As I have manually run the script the MC is out of sinc.

From this page I select ā€˜Upload selected ā€¦ā€™

I then get this.

Click 'YES" to upload but it doesnā€™t move to 23. If I click ā€˜Noā€™
I get this

It seems to think I canā€™t do a QUIK tune??

Iā€™ve run out of ideas???

Describing how to properly download a file on countless numbers of web browsers is beyond the scope of ArduPilot.

Scripting runs when the autopilot boots. Power source is immaterial. I suspect you didnā€™t refresh parameters on the first cycle, and it was only coincidental that the parameters appeared on the next run.

@KiwiDrones thanks for the report. It was indeed a regression that is now fixed on the latest development release

On my machine with just USB power the QUIK_xxx parameters donā€™t display even when refreshing the parameters. Logic would assume the script didnā€™t run??
With battery power it all works as it should!
Iā€™m not suggesting you run a tutorial on downloading files! If you have a link to download a file, normally it prompts you to save it to a folder, i this case the code just opens in a browser window which introduces a possible corruption issue. Why introduce another unnecessary step?? Ardupilot is difficult enough without extra complications!!

Your assumption is incorrect. Does the script produce an error message if the ESCs are not powered?

Your browser (or your OS) is introducing that step by interpreting the file as displayable text.

The AMC will soon start to make parameter value decisions based on the MCU series:

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@github-actions github-actions released this 15 Feb 23:48


Bug Fixes


