New APSync Build for Raspberry Pi

Take a look at the /boot/config.txt and remove the “power switch” section at the bottom of the file. That might fix it.

yes and its working,but in order to download ROS to the pi i had to use a wifi card because my pi has one wlan interface and it is used by apsync

i have another question,if i follow the installation instructions from github is it possible to install apsync to a different raspberry image??

In theory, yes ( I have done it only on a Jetson, not a RPI)
But why aren’t you just using the LAN port in parallel to the apsync wifi access point to access the internet?

Yep, that’s how it works.

Hello again,i need to ask one more thing,is it possible to run apsync in a beaglebone blue/black??thank you in advance!

Possibly - I’ve haven’t got a Beaglebone, so I can’t test it.

a question, is there any way to access mavlink using commands?
I have tried to do the command. unsuccessfully!
python3 --master=/dev/serial0 --baudrate 921600 --aircraft MyCopter
With ardupilot and Qground I have access. Using zerotier

You need to access via UDP, as mavlink-router is using the serial port.

Something like:
python3 --master=udpout:<IP>:14550
Where IP is the IP address of the RPi

hi there !
please i have a question being beginner with drone ect…
i am preparing my graduation so i’am working on create a drone from 0 to autonomous one using image recognition .
i have pixhwak 2.4.8 and pi4
my question is should i install APSync on my raspberry that mean i will not keep raspian os buster on it ?
or i can install directly on the raspian os “buster” mission planner.exe !
i did those
sudo apt-get update #Update the list of packages in the software center
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-opencv python3-wxgtk3.0 libxml2-dev python3-pip python3-matplotlib python3-lxml. :heavy_check_mark:
sudo pip3 install future :heavy_check_mark:
sudo pip3 install pymavlink :heavy_check_mark:
sudo pip3 install mavproxy :heavy_check_mark:

but when i execute this commandi got
python3 --master=/dev/serial0 --baudrate 921600 --aircraft MyCopter

python3: can’t open file ‘’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

thank u for ur time in advance !

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APSync runs inside an existing OS on your Pi. Installing APSync will keep your current OS.

You may need to add the path via this command:
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
Then restart.

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Hey Stephen! Thanks for all the great work here. Does this not come with Dronekit?

Dronekit is not included. You’ll have to install it yourself.

Gotcha. I’m running this on an rpi0 so i’ll find out how to connect it to my home wifi and install it from there.

Last question, maybe you know this, should i follow the instructions on the dronekit documentation (

or the one on ardupilot?

I see you already have mavlink router installed so

I think that leads to the dronekit website anyway. So either will work!

python3: can’t open file ‘’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

That means MAVProxy is not installed on your system, or isn’t on the system path.

You’ll need to run:

pip3 install mavproxy --user
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

Then restart.

I flashed the latest image on a raspberry pi 3+ and it all worked.

I can connect to the pi’s acces point and check all the settings in a webbrowser on
Starting the video stream works and I can view the stream in qgroundcontrol.

When I connect the pi to the telemetry port on the Flight controller I see all the telemetry and mavlink messages in the browser.

But somehow I cannot connect to it over UDP with mission planner or qground control.
I’m using UDP in mission planner to connect and leave at at default 14550.

Is there something else I need to do to connect to it in mission planner or qgroundcontrol?


Check your firewall.

No everywhere :wink:
When I try it on windows with firewall disabled it does not connect.
I do however see the data in the webbrowser so have no idea why mission planner does not want to connect.