New APM 2.6 with dead USB?

Hey guys. I have been reading other posts on here but have not found a solution to my problem. I just received my order from 3DR and one of the items was an APM 2.6 system. I connected it to my computer using the USB cable that came with it and tried to connect to it using Mission Planner. It will not connect. It times out. I have an Arducopter that I can hook up and it connects fine. The Arducopter shows up in device manager as com port 33 and like I said it connects fine. The APM 2.6 shows up in device manager under com port 34 but will not connect. I am using only the USB for power with nothing else plugged into the APM. I have tried connecting my receiver to it but it made no deference. If you have any idea that might help I would much appreciate it.


Were you able to able to load the firmware?

If you loaded it and it is not connecting to mission planner, please go to terminal tab, run test, INS commands and post your results, a picture is ok.

If you are not able to see terminal tab in mission planner, go to config/tuning, planner, check advanced view at bottom right corner.

Hi. Thanks for answering. I got it to update the firmware, but when it tried to connect it still will not work. When I ran the checks you suggested it came back with " Failed to boot MPU6000 5 times". I have tried rebooting my computer and the APM but it still will not connect. Thanks again.

This error could be caused by a damaged voltage regulator, here is more info: … ed-problem

Please contact us at and provide your order number.

Thanks again. I have contacted them and waiting for a RMA. I do appreciate the fast response and help you have given. I am sooo looking forward to flying my new quad. :smiley:

Hi guys. Well here we are a month later and I am still waiting for my RMA or any word from the folks at 3DR. I got an email several weeks ago saying they would contact me in a few days. Since then I have sent email after email to their support and have gotten nothing back from them. the last thing I got was this
"Armando (3drobotics)
Jul 01 08:51 AM

Hello Carl,

Thank you for contacting 3D Robotics Customer Support.

We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you, we have forwarded your inquiry to one of technician for further review and a viable resolution.

They will be following up with you within the next 1-2 business days.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you.

Thank You!

Agent: Armando
3D Robotics Customer Support
Customer Service Num.# (858) 225-1414"

This is the last message I have gotten from them. I went ahead and ordered a new one expecting to get a refund for the bad one. They were quick to charge me and send the new one. But I guess if you have a defective unit they don’t want to fool with you. Oh well I guess it is live and learn, You can not trust 3DR if they send you a defective unit. They just want your money and then screw you. I will buy elsewhere from now on. I have spent SEVERAL hundred dollars with them and this is how they treat me.

Hi Carl, I checked the database and it seems that we have the following records:

Santiago replied back on
Jul 01 04:03 pm
with the following

Santiago Jul 01 04:03 pm
Hello Carl,

Thank you for contacting Technical Support.
I can’t seem to find the specific post you mention on the forum but it sounds like a blow voltage regulator. To test this you’re gonna need a voltage meter to measure the voltage across the first and last pin on the I2C port while power through usb connector. The voltage should read between 3.2 and 3.4 volts. Let me know how much it reads and we’ll take it from there.

[Technical Support Engineer]

and Santiago replied back to your other email sent on Saturday with
Jul 27, Sunday 09:40 am

Santiago Sunday 09:40 am (assign)
Hello Carl,
You contacted us on june 30th, I replied on july 1st as follows:
"Thank you for contacting Technical Support.
I can’t seem to find the specific post you mention on the forum but it sounds like a blow voltage regulator. To test this you’re gonna need a voltage meter to measure the voltage across the first and last pin on the I2C port while power through usb connector. The voltage should read between 3.2 and 3.4 volts. Let me know how much it reads and we’ll take it from there."
There was no response on your end and case was closed after 2 weeks.

It seems that you are having some problems with your email or our email got filtered to your spam box (we have received some cases on this)

Please verify this?

I bought my APM 2.6 from ElectronicaRC on Feb 27

Javier Martinez Fernandez
Virgen des Valle 54, 3

Mail: [](
or: [](

It has never worked correctly (GPS and compass not recognized).
So I sent it back to the seller for an exchange on March 10.
And I am still waiting for the replacement !
The seller says it is your fault, you did not send him the APM back.
Is that true ?
I must present my boat equipped with your APM during the next automatic RC sailboats challenge.
What will I say there if I can not have the boat ready ?


1 x ArduPilot Mega 2.6+ Pines Horizontales + XT60 (2.6+ H XT60)
GPS uBlox LEA-6H
Latiguillos Servo

Hi Lagaffe,

[quote=“Lagaffe”]The seller says it is your fault, you did not send him the APM back.
Is that true ?[/quote]You should ask ElectronicaRC.

Or please let me know how we can help you.

Thank you for this quick answer !

ElectronicaRC is the seller, I have been asking them since April and their last answer is that YOU did not send APM back from SAV.
So I wait, wait…
How can you help ?
If you sent the APM back from SAV to ElectronicaRC everything is OK. But can you make sure ?
Then I will call them.
This shop is not a good one !
Thanks for all,

Hi Lagaffe,

Please ask ElectronicaRC to provide the RMA number, in order to check the the information and see what happened. Please provide that information by writing to you can make a reference to this post.

Thank you!

Thanks, I do so and let you know