Hi! I just got my new 2.6 with gps card. The wiring cable for the gps card looks wrong to me. The cable is a 6 pin connector that splits out to 2each 4pin connectors. One only has 2 wires in it. If I use the 6 in connector on the gps socket on the 2.6 card. Color black end up on the gps card as VCC and red goes to RXD. The color on the wire sent out a red flag to me. I just can’t find any pin labels for the 2.6 board. My gps board has all the pins labeled Its a Ublox V2.0 . Thanks !!
Where did you get your GPS card from? It sounds like it is a clone.
My 3DR GPS V1.2/Compass module came with two cables. One for the compass and one for the GPS.
I also have a 3DR uBlox LEA-6 V1.2 GPS and it only has one 5 wire cable going to the GPS from the APM.
If it is a clone GPS, then there is not much we can do for you here.
TCIII Developer
I have a different GPS then yours. Mine is a V 2.0 but I still need the pin out that is coming out the side for the GPS on the 2.6 board. I can match my GPS to the pin out on the 2.6 board if I know what they are. If you don’t have that than what is the pin out for the 5 pin connector that is on top for the GPS ?
Thanks !!!
Since you are referring to a V2.0 GPS, it must be a MediaTek GPS as there is no uBlox V2.0.
I suggest that you post your request for assistance on the DIY Drones website as they cover all GPSs and it sounds like yours is a clone and not a 3DR product.
TCIII Developer