Multiple Sensor LidarLiteV3-I2C with MB1240 XL-MaxSonar-EZ4 on Pixhawk2 Cube Black problem

Multiple Sensor LidarLiteV3-I2C with MB1240 XL-MaxSonar-EZ4 on Pixhawk2 Cube Black problem

Hi! Good afternoon!
I am a young man who leads a start-up in Korea!
While I’m in charge of developing a drone solution, I’m having a problem trying to put two sensors on the Pixhawk2 Cube Black product!

I’m trying to fit the Lidar sensor and the Sonar sensor together.
I’ve only received the value of one of the sensors and it’s not working.
Can you help me?

Sonar sensor connected to ADC port, Lidar sensor connected to I2C 2 port.

For more information, I will attach the picture below!

I think to setup more than one rangefinder you have to use full parameter list, not the setup page


I set it up like this, but it doesn’t change.
Help me.