Finally I was able to change the address of the sensor. I looked at the arduino forum and found the solution. I will share with everyone so that anyone who wants to buy cheap I2C sensors can use multiple of them.
#include “Wire.h”
#define SensorAddress byte(0x70)
#define NewSensorAddress byte(0x68)
#define RangeCommand byte(0x51)
#define ChangeAddressCommand1 byte(0xAA)
#define ChangeAddressCommand2 byte(0xA5)
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //Open serial connection at 9600 baud
void loop(){
takeRangeReading(); //Tell the sensor to perform a ranging cycle
delay(100); //Wait for sensor to finish
word range = requestRange(); //Get the range from the sensor
Serial.print("Range: "); Serial.println(range); //Print to the user
//Commands the sensor to take a range reading
void takeRangeReading(){
Wire.beginTransmission(NewSensorAddress); //Start addressing
Wire.write(RangeCommand); //send range command
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop and do something else now
//Returns the last range that the sensor determined in its last ranging cycle in centimeters. Returns 0 if there is no communication.
word requestRange(){
Wire.requestFrom(NewSensorAddress, byte(2));
if(Wire.available() >= 2){ //Sensor responded with the two bytes
byte HighByte =; //Read the high byte back
byte LowByte =; //Read the low byte back
word range = word(HighByte, LowByte); //Make a 16-bit word out of the two bytes for the range
return range;
else {
return word(0); //Else nothing was received, return 0
void changeAddress(byte oldAddress, byte newAddress, boolean SevenBitHuh){
Wire.beginTransmission(oldAddress); //Begin addressing
Wire.write(ChangeAddressCommand1); //Send first change address command
Wire.write(ChangeAddressCommand2); //Send second change address command
if(SevenBitHuh){ newAddress = newAddress << 1; } //The new address must be written to the sensor
Wire.write(newAddress); //Send the new address to change to