Multiple IMU Reallignments In flight


I am wondering if there is a big advantage to allowing the IMU to allign in flight rather than on the ground?

Additionally, almost every time I fly my large frame hexarotor, I get an ‘Ground mag anomoly, yaw-realligned’ message. Most recently I got two in flight. Is there any way to get this to happen less frequently? Is it as simply as recalibrating the compass?


Thanks for your help.

Did you use Magfit to calibrate the compass and generate the compass motor offsets? Might help, might not but it’s the best way forward anyway.



I wasn’t able to look into the mag fit lead before a flight this morning. In another thread you mention that I needed to increase my aggression setting for autotune to get better results. After setting a Hnotch I went out to fly and two times in a row, after the first autotune twitch, the GPS threw a glitch, EKF would lane switch/change primary/change compasses and the drone had to emergency yaw reset. After I landed the GPS would report the yaw was misalinged by around 25 degrees.

I was looking at other threads like this but most of them resulted in a crash, where in my case the drone was still stable but inducing large yaw inputs.

Wondering if this is something that can be fixed with Magfit, a compass recalibration, or a new GPS.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Logs from the two flights:

Looks like you have the internal compass set as Prioroty 1 and the Can external compass set as 2. Switch these from the Compass screen in MP.