mRo Control Zero F7 "No lua Scripts Found"

We are trying to get lua scripts running on this autopilot. We have “scripts” under the APM directory, and we have SCR_ENABLE enabled, and up SCR_HEAP_SIZE to 60000. When we hook up the autopilot to mission planner it is saying “Lua: No scripts found”. Is there anything else that we might be able to try. We also disable terrain to see if that is the issue.


I have this same issue. Here is the script below if anyone can have a look at it to point out where we are going wrong.

local button_b = rc:get_pwm(8) --get pwm value of channel 8 and assign it to button_b

local switch_f = rc:get_pwm(6)	--get pwm value of channel 6 and assign it to switch_f

	local scroll_d = rc:get_pwm(10)	--get pwm value of channel 10 and assign to scroll_d

function update() – this is the loop which periodically runs

if button_b >= 1501 then	--if button b is greater than 1501 pwm then
	gcs:send_text(0, "CutaCopter Bait Released")	--send text to gcs that bait dropper activated
		return update, 1000	
if switch_f >= 1501 then
	gcs:send_text(0, "Favourite WayPoint Saved")		
		return update, 1000
if scroll_d >= 1501 then
	gcs:send_text(0, "WayPoint Deleted")
		return update, 1000

return update ()

Any news on that? Are the scripts running?