MP Routes on to ATAK

BLUF: MP Route, export, import as a layer/object in to ATAK/WINTAK/CIVTAK

I have made my routes and exported them as both Mission and Mission JSON files. and then tried to convert them to a KMZ, to then have them appear in TAK.

I currently have my Copter fed in to TAK, but i am having to redraw the routes, or just not have them if the courses are too long. I just want to be able to export, then import them and be able to see if my copter is flying the intended track.

It is on your computer :slight_smile: While running Mission Planner, go to the link it will download a kml file with the actual waypoints in it.

Thanks for the reply.

when i import that file, WinTAK doesn’t import anything to the maps? i get the notification that the .KML has ben imported, but nothing appears on my map. the layer is there, under the layer tab. but no actual data.

Then you have to figure out what kind of kml objects are needed by TAK and convert the kml to that. (for example with Google Earth)

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