Hi, I’m building a heavy lift drone and I am using a radiolink crossflight as flight controller. I am having problems making the motors spin. I tried connecting a motor directly to the receiver and controlling it with the transmitter and it works. Mission planner also tells that the transmitter is connected since I can see the bars moving when I move the sticks. But still when I connect the ESCs to the flight controller they beep as if they did not get any input. I also tried controlling a servo instead of a motor but still it did not work. It looks like the FC is not outputting any signal. Can you give me a help? Thank you
Transmitter flysky FS i6X
Receiver FS iA6B
ESC T Motor Flame 200A
Flight controller Radiolink Crossflight
Battery 6-12S 6000mah
Thank you for posting this. Hopefully others may see it before they buy that Flight Controller and can avoid the mistake. It could be moved to the Unsupported Hardware thread but perhaps it will get more views where it’s at.
Stated more eloquently, we can’t adequately support Radiolink hardware because they violate ArduPilot’s open source licensing, and we have no idea what they’re doing with the firmware they provide. Dave isn’t wrong here, though he could’ve been less abrupt.