Motor stops after arming

Hello everyone,

i am using ArduPilot with a companion computer for my bachelor thesis.
Currently i try to set the needed parameters to use ArduPilot without an receiver.
Right now i can arm the copter, but a few seconds after it disarms automatically.

It would be great somebody can give me an hint :thinking:
2022-10-04 22-41-25.tlog (94.9 KB)

Best regards from Germany

A Tlog isn’t of much use. Post a link to a .bin log from the Flight Controller.

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thanks for your quick answer. I completly relfash the system but still get the same error.
Here is the bin file.
1 01.01.1970 01-00-01.bin (297.6 KB)

Well it seems that the Disarm delay was triggered :slight_smile:

If you do not takeoff that is what happens :wink: