Hi everyone, I recently buy a DIY Y6 kit from 3DR and i got some issues with the motors, first of all one of the motors isn’t working at the same power as the others, when the copter is armed all motors start spinning but the first motor just get stuck in two position until the throttle gets higher, the other problem comes with all the motors after the motors are armed I start up the throttle until it reach like 75-80% and the copter still on the ground. I don’t know if one of those problems cause the other or how to solve it, I made the ESC calibration and the THR_MAX is in 1000.
do you have any idea of how it could be solved?
I’m using a Y6 kit from 3D Robotics
pixhawk autopilot with arducopter V3.1.5 Y6
spektrum satellite receiver
I leave a video of the motor stucked: youtube.com/watch?v=kKZwEKR … e=youtu.be
thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad English