Micro MinimOSD problem: zero value

i have this problem with this osd on my IRIS+.
I’ve uploaded the micro minim osd with the latest r800 minimosd-extra firmware and the charset
I’ve connected the osd RX on the Pixhawk telem1 TX line, intercepting the cable that goes to the 3dr Radio.
I’ve tried to enable in MP the OSD in advanced configuration.
I’ve tried to change the SR1 values in the MP using USB connection otherwise via telemetry i cant change them.
On telem2 i have the frsky serial converter for radio telemetry.

Nothing, i cant get data on the OSD. I get only zero values and GPS, BATTERY and RSSI warnings.

Its like the MAVLINK stream was there but my OSD is unable to show data.
ANy clue?

I was connecting the osd on the RX line on PX instead of TX.
I need new glasses :slight_smile:
btw, if you connect minimosd on the RX line you don’t get the No mav data message!