Message: "s1 and s3 must be enabled"

Hello guys, how are you doing?

I’m trying to use the lua script created by @Yuri_Rage to control my rover motors using the L298N dc motor driver. But when i set the parameters following the ones descripted on the commit, i get the “s1 and s3 must be enabled” message. Did someone succeed using this kind of setup and could share the modified parameters?

P.S: I know that the commit wasn’t finshed yet, but i would like to try it anyway.

Thanks in advance.

Hugs from Brazil.

The full message is “Relays 1 and 3 must be enabled.” It spans two lines.

You didn’t follow the instructions in the markdown.

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Hi Yuri, i didn’t see the full message.

Thank you so much. I’ll continue with the testing here, but i didn’t get any messages or warnings so far.

Commits are all finished and have been for a week.

Pull request was submitted upon my own testing. It hasn’t been merged to the master branch yet, likely due to time constraints on those who manage the repository.