Mavlink:send_chan function doesn't do anything

Hello everyone,

I am trying to send a MAVLink message from my LUA script. I am using SITL in Mission Planner for testing, but I tried to do the same from the CubeOrangePlus board and it did not work. I enabled MAVFTP, placed the scripts and modules in the correct paths and ran multiple successful tests with other functionalities, but when I send the MAVLink message to change the mode, it doesn’t do anything.

Here is my minimal example:

local MavlinkMessages = require("MAVLink/mavlink_msgs")

local COMMAND_LONG_ID = MavlinkMessages.get_msgid("COMMAND_LONG")

-- Initialize MAVLink to receive messages
mavlink:init(1, 10)


-- Define message IDs for the MAVLink messages we are interested in
local MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE = 176

local function handleCommandLong(parsedMessage)
    local commandLong = {}
    commandLong.param1 = 1 -- Mode value
    commandLong.param2 = 0 -- Custom mode (not used here)
    commandLong.param3 = 0 -- Custom submode (not used here)
    commandLong.param4 = 0 -- Not used
    commandLong.param5 = 0 -- Not used
    commandLong.param6 = 0 -- Not used
    commandLong.param7 = 0 -- Not used
    commandLong.command = MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE
    commandLong.target_system = 1 -- Target system ID (usually 1 for single system)
    commandLong.target_component = 1 -- Target component ID (usually 1 for autopilot)
    commandLong.confirmation = 0

    -- Send the command on the default channel (channel 1)
    local messageId, message = MavlinkMessages.encode("COMMAND_LONG", commandLong)
    mavlink:send_chan(0, messageId, message)
    gcs:send_text(0, "Send command long")

-- Function to handle incoming MAVLink messages
local function catchMAVLinkMessage()
    local message, chan = mavlink:receive_chan()
    if message ~= nil then
        local msg_map = {}
        msg_map[COMMAND_LONG_ID] = "COMMAND_LONG"
        local parsedMessage = MavlinkMessages.decode(message, msg_map)

        if parsedMessage ~= nil then
            gcs:send_text(0, "Message ID: " .. parsedMessage.msgid)

            if parsedMessage.msgid == COMMAND_LONG_ID then
                gcs:send_text(0, "Message Id is " .. parsedMessage.msgid)

-- Function to update and poll data
local function update()
    gcs:send_text(0, "Updating")


    return update, 1000

return update()
// End of script

Whenever it detects a COMMAND_LONG, such as TRIGGER_CAMERA (for testing purposes), it tries to set the system mode to manual. It doesn’t change the mode though. I am starting to think that it is not possible to send MAVLink messages from LUA. I’ve set param to 1 and 0 because Mission Planner sends 1 for param 1, but it is still not doing anything.

Any critiques, ideas, and suggestions are welcome. The goal is to know how to send a MAVLink message to later on control the transponder from stby to alt.

Hi! I don’t have a known-working solution for you but have myself been trying to send Mavlink out from a lua script and only got things working after several hours of scratching my head. I’m only chiming in here because I do have send_chan working for STATUSTEXT messages…

I found the message encoding part was most prone to failing silently - are you able to prepare a working message payload in StIL/Mavproxy, like the example command here?

I also wasn’t fully understanding that I had to generate stubs for all the commands I wanted to use and was getting confusing results until then - have you done the stuff mentioned here?

Sorry if this isn’t what you’re hoping for - just trying to help!


I was able to produce all the MAVLink messages for LUA. MAVGEN failed to generate the LUA files (it outputs an empty folder but it works for all the other languages), but pymavlink got the job done for LUA.

I do not know why it is not working. It seems to be ignoring my MAVLink messages. I think I might be missing something.

Can you or anyone else post a working code that sends a MAVlLink message successfully to use as a reference?

Hi @TheChris777,

Our recent slung payload PR includes a script to send the payload’s position to the vehicle’s autopilot using mavlink.

The tricky thing I found was that you need to create a modules directory in the scripts directory (on the SD card) and then put a few files in there. I think this needs to be better document and we should provide all the message files so that people don’t need to create them themselves

IIRC the only requirement is that the target folder is called “modules”, other than that generated files miss CRCExtra value and the provided parser isn’t particularly good.

Hi @LupusTheCanine,

Txs for the feedback, in what way is the provided parser not particularly good? I guess you’re referring to this example script or something else? I just want to be clear about the issues so they can be addressed

I was talking about mavgen library implementation.

  1. Total disregard for checksum in both decoding and encoding.
  2. requiring use of message name in transmission.
  3. lack of provided initialization of message_map.
  4. lack of automatic seq counting.
  5. It incorrectly decodes MAVLink v1 even though it can distinguish v1 vs v2.
  6. It doesn’t seem to work on a stream.

this example works in MP SITL.
Note: it sends to channel 1, channel 0 is MP, channel 1 is pymavlink

local mavlink_msgs = require(“MAVLink/mavlink_msgs”)

local COMMAND_LONG_ID = mavlink_msgs.get_msgid(“COMMAND_LONG”)

local msg_map = {}

function update()
gcs:send_text(6, “send msg”)
local cmd = {}
cmd.target_system = 1
cmd.target_component = 1
cmd.command = 181
cmd.confirmation = 0
cmd.param1 = 0
cmd.param2 = 1
cmd.param3 = 0
cmd.param4 = 0
cmd.param5 = 0
cmd.param6 = 0
cmd.param7 = 0

mavlink:send_chan(1, mavlink_msgs.encode("COMMAND_LONG", cmd))

return update, 1000


return update()