MAVLink method to monitor EKF Yaw Aligned?

@tridge @Yuri_Rage

Do you know, is there a MAVLink message that I can use to tell whether EKF Yaw is aligned? When I boot up my autopilot I see these messages (among others). Its my understanding that the autopilot will refuse an AUTO mode command if the EKF3 imu hasn’t completed its startup, as evidenced by these messages.

My question is, is there a MAVLink message that the companion computer can monitor to know whether the “yaw aligned” and “is using GPS” EKF statuses have been achieved - and that the rover is ready to receive an AUTO mode command??


9/20/2024 4:14:35 PM : IMU0: fast sampling enabled 2.0kHz
9/20/2024 4:14:35 PM : RCOut: PWM:1-16
9/20/2024 4:14:35 PM : IOMCU: 410 2003 412FC231
9/20/2024 4:14:35 PM : Pixhawk6C 002F0046 30315102 34373938
9/20/2024 4:14:35 PM : ChibiOS: 6a85082c
9/20/2024 4:14:35 PM : ArduRover V4.5.3 (548b0b2c)
9/20/2024 4:14:34 PM : EKF3 IMU1 is using GPS
9/20/2024 4:14:33 PM : EKF3 IMU0 is using GPS
9/20/2024 4:14:21 PM : GPS 1: u-blox saving config
9/20/2024 4:14:20 PM : GPS 2: u-blox saving config
9/20/2024 4:14:20 PM : EKF3 IMU1 yaw aligned
9/20/2024 4:14:20 PM : EKF3 IMU0 yaw aligned
9/20/2024 4:14:18 PM : SmartRTL deactivated: bad position
9/20/2024 4:14:12 PM : Field Elevation Set: 157m
9/20/2024 4:14:12 PM : EKF3 IMU1 origin set
9/20/2024 4:14:11 PM : EKF3 IMU0 origin set

Switch to auto while disarmed and then monitor prearm checks as your go/no-go for arming. I’m not in a position to dive into the MavLink message definitions at the moment, but it shouldn’t be hard to find what you need.

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