MAVFTP from MP produces an error when trying to upload

I am trying to upload files to a Matek 7A3 Slim FC with Flash Memory instead of SD Card, but it genertes an error:

“Failed to OpenFile - kCmdCreateFile kErrFailErrno ENOSPC”

Does someone know how to solve this?

Use the latest ArduCopter 4.6.0 beta3 and embed the scripts in the FW.

Thanks, I will try that. Not sure where to find info though how to do it. I have uploaded the 4.6 copter to the board. Now, the MP says it is Beta 2, not 3.

ENOSPC = No Space.

is the sd card full?

It is not a SD card, it is a dedicated 128 MB flash which replaced the SD card,
“* Blackbox: 128MB Flash (1G-bit NAND)”