We can’t get our Matek H743-Mini build to arm since we upgraded ArduCopter to 4.5.6. We didn’t expect any issues so we never made note of the firmware version that was previously working fine.
Here’s the thing, we discovered by accident that our build will arm if the build is MavLink connected to Mission Planner running on our PC with USB cable. We do not have telemetry radios on this build or would have tried a wireless MavLink connection too.
Based on a thread in an old forum we already know that if we put the following firmware on the build we can get it to arm and fly but we don’t understand why the latest firmware is a bust: https://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable-4.1.1/MatekH743/
Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s my understanding that an upgrade has no affect on parameters so here’s a link for the parameters for the 4.1.1 version that we got to work when we downgraded:
If you want the parameters listed for the 4.5.6 version I can reproduces those too just let me know. Hmmm?, sort of like maybe there’s new parameters in 4.5.6 that we are not aware of that could explain our issue(?)…
However, parameters can be added, removed, or renamed over time. Upgrading from one version to the next (like 4.5 to 4.6) should be seamless. It’s hard to guarantee that upgrading from years old firmware to current stable will be as successful.
@Dave Here are the messages listed for a sequence that successfully armed our build; MavLink connected with USB cable. The parameter LOG_DISARMED = 0 (default) was already set.
If it only not arm if USB is not connected and you don’t have a mavlink connection without USB I think best is to set for a really short test LOG_DISARMED to 1. Than disconnect USB. Powercycle the FC (Quad) and try for a short time to arm (only a few seconds) Powercycle again the FC. Download the log and present it here than don’t to forget to change LOG_DISARMED back to 0
That’s the problem, we can’t get our build to arm unless our model is MavLinked to MP with a cable. As soon as we disconnect the MavLink USB cable the model refuses to arm.
All I can tell you guys is that when the cable is connected between the model and MP the HUD indicates armed and the motors spin when I move the throttle stick on my transmitter down and to the right. When I disconnect the cable holding the throttle stick down and to the right the model sits there and does not respond.
I replaced the value for FS_GCS_ENABLE = 1 (default) with a value of 0 instead and now the model arms and the motors spin without the USB cable.
Is there any risk to disabling the GCS failsafe? We don’t have telemetry on this build and it seems to make sense that the failsafe was invoked because there was no connection to the MP.