Manual Flaps Not working

For some reason manual flaps just do not work

I have set

Flap_in_channel 5
RC5_OPTION 208 (flaps)
SERVO5_Function - 2 ( flaps ) and tried 3 ( autoflaps)

When I switch the manual control, and move the flap switch ( checked it worked on that channel via a passthru ) there is no servo output.

Any ideas ?


What kind of controller are you using? Are you connected to the main or aux outputs?

Can you post a log or parameter file?

hi you need to update the controller that firmware is not supported any more

Archived:Channel Output Functions

try setting RC5_OPTION,0 i have flaps on all my planes never had to set rc options ( RC5_OPTION 208 (flaps) )

Using the RC channel option is a better option; the scaling is set on the
autopilot and RC-failsafe values will more likely be correct over time.

Further, if you choose to deploy flaps automaticaly during landing that
will be easier to accomplish.

Thanks for the help , setting the rc option back to 0 sorted it, i didnt read the page properly

It is interesting, with update 4.16 I have needed to set the RC channel to 208 to enable manual control of the flaps. Until now, the RC has been set to 0. Both my aircraft have had the same symptoms and the correction worked on both.

Well, I know this is an older thread, but I wanted to add some info. I’m on Arduplane 4.2.2 Official and have been scratching my head for two days trying to get the flaps to work. Here’s what I finally had to do:


Hope that helps someone else.


Hello Brad,
Go to “user Param” and set your incoming flap channel from TX eg: if flap switch set on channel 7 then in user param rc channel 7 set to Flap from drop down list.
Make sure you have also set your flaps under servooutput.

I never understand why we have to config flaps at two location in Ardupilot, perhaps developer will answer this or may be bcoz flaps works on switch logical connection. May be or not.
Above settings will let your flap works. That’s how I am using it on my FX79 wing.

Remember, you are installing an autopilot, not an RC receiver. It can handle automatic flap settings. You have to tell it you’d rather control them manually, hence the configuration scheme.