I finished my Atomrc Swordfish (f405) and trying to make the last preparations for the maiden. This will be my first Arduplane trial.
As a classical RC flyer I always adjust the CG and the correct throws for elevator, rudder and aileron before the maiden. However I see in Manual Mode the stick input throws and the related servo output throws do not correlate as I expect. I used the parameter file provided by Atomrc as a starting point.
My question is now, shall I start the plane at the maiden in a stabilized mode (eg FBWA) instead of the manual mode ? The stabilized servos behave in the correct manner as I checked them multiple times
Thx for your help !
Turn off the trim on your radio. It will cause you trouble, especially if you change flight modes.
Just to clarify, are the controls going in the right direction?
All trims are in neutral position.
The movements are in the correct directions.
All adjustments programmed in the transmitter they are linked only to the manual mode (6 pos switch of an RM Boxer). If its not in manual mode, all adjustments are off and the transmitter behaves neutral/unprogrammed
With ArduPlane your radio only needs to output full range AETR, no matter what flight mode. No mixes or trims. The trims should be set on the servo outputs (SEROVx_TRIM), and the limits are SERVOx_MIN and SERVOx_MAX.
For manual mode there are now parameters that will allow you to adjust the expo mode. MAN_EXPO_ROLL and MAN_EXPO_PITCH. Complete Parameter List — Plane documentation
SERVO_AUTO_TRIM,1 will do the trimming for you when you fly in a stabilized mode and the trims will remain when you switch to manual.
OK, understood.
I will report