Low Battery warning on boot up

I powered up my PixHawk this morning to do some battery calibration.
On the first boot up I received the fast beeps indicating low battery.
My lipo voltage is correct (verified with a tester) and Mission planner is also reporting the correct voltage.
the output from the 6 pin plug from the power module also reads correct at @ 5.28 volts.
Any thoughts?

Brett Horton

I get that everytime and have learned to ignore it after checking the onboard lipo monitor. Droidplanner and my Taranis TX.

wow… really…
Mine does not stop.
There has to be something not right…
Guess I’ll call 3DR next week…

I didn’t realize you meant yours does not quit. I agree that a call to 3DR is in order.

In talks with 3DR,
As expected they initially think it is the stock PixHawk Power module is at fault.

Sent log files into 3DR. They determined that the power module had malfunctioned. Sending me another!