I am working with CubeOrangePlus.
I am working on the Secure Bootloader process given on: ardupilot/Tools/scripts/signing/README.md at master 路 ArduPilot/ardupilot 路 GitHub
I follow the steps as given in the readme.md file.
Generate a public-private key using :
Tools/scripts/signing/generate_keys.py NAME -
Build secure bootloader using
Tools/scripts/build_bootloaders.py CubeOrangePlus --signing-key=NAME_public_key.dat
This steps help me with generating secure bootloader.
- Now I am generating secure FW using following commands
./waf configure --board CubeOrangePlus --signed-fw
after configure when I fire ./waf copter command to build then I am getting error.
I also try for alternative ways
./waf configure --board CubeOrangePlus --signed-fw --private-key NAME_private_key.dat
./waf copter --upload
here when I fire the last ./waf copter --upload command at that time, I also get the same error.
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue.?
Am I missing something?
Do I have to change something into code to make it work.?