Lidar is Not Used in Auto Missions


Im Runing 4.0.3 Firmware on and I notice that the lidar is not used when running the auto missions…
Physically lidar works and its functional in Stabelize and PosHold Modes…
What is confusing me is why its not reading the hight chages from the lidar… im i missing any thing…?
Im sure lidar works as the foward collition avoidance as well as the terrain radar in stabelize and PosHold Modes ( I have one Lidar Which is Used as Terrain Radar same one was configured as fwd collition and moved fwd for testing ). Same Terrain Radar Config Dosnt seems to be affective whn running the auto mission.
Pls help…

When you plan the Mission with Mission Planner you have to set the waypoint to Terrain.

Other possibility: WPNAV_RFND_USE not set to 1

Hi Stefan

Thank You Sooo Much… Ill Try That And Ill Update You…

With Love
From Sri Lanka :sri_lanka: