Leddar vu8 not detected - *close to nervous breakdown*

I have an issue with Cube Orange, Kore Carrier Board and Leddar Vu8.
Arducopter V4.0.4RC3, RC4 and 4.0.5

I tried:

  • Connect to serial 2
  • Connect to serial 4
  • AC4.0.4RC3 and 4
  • AC4.0.5
  • Follow many times the instruction
  • Set RNGFND to 0 and to 1
  • Connect the lidar by USB on my computer (it’s working)
  • Use serial 1 on the lidar
  • Use serial 2 on the lidar
  • All the DIP switch on lidar are off

I get the following message for each tests:
PreArm: Rangefinder 1 was not detected

Does someone have an idea?

Thank you

config.zip (5.6 KB)

Hello, i’m not going to solve your problem, just share my experience with leddar.

My first rangerfinder was leddarone module, I’ve tried every possible way to make it work, without sucess. One day I gaveup and I bought Lightware’s sensor (LW20/C waterproof), just plug and play, work perfectly good, maybe you should do as I did.

Good lucky.

I used the Leddarone quite a bit without any issues. @hydropik have you contacted Leddar support? Do you have another flight controller to try testing it on?