Launch Copter at High Speed from Mothership Vehicle

Hi all , I work on my master thesis which design Hobby air taxi base on quadcopter frame x which can fly manually , but for the start I have a scenario for having challenging experience for customers to launch them from another vehicle in the air which have 200 km/hr speed and after short time the quadcopter arm and stabilize . but i test it with x frame which has 4 motors tmotor p60 and flame 60 with 22 inch prop and 12cell battery which my quad has 20 kg weight, i release it from another quadcopter which has 40 meter/second speed , every time i release it the copter start to oscillate and cant stabilize it, i tune it base on the recommendation of ardupilot’s site , can anyone help me ?

Have you tuned it? .

hi , yes i tune it which is the following image and my quad doesnt have similar dimension in length and width

Get a .bin log of some ordinary flight in AltHold and Loiter, upload it to a filesharing service like dropbox or similar, and share the link here.

What ESCs do you have? Or is it the integrated motor sets?

my esc is TMOTOR FLAME 60 and my Motors are Tmotor P60 170KV. i try to upload .bin file but i can not.
this is my attitude log and i start my flight with stabilize mode since i release my copter i want to first it can stabilze itself as soon as soon possible

You have to upload the .bin log to a filesharing service then provide the link here.
Typical ones are dropbox, onedrive, google drive and a few others. Make sure the file can be accessed by anyone.

can you tell me about the reason of crash from my attitude log which i share it .
tell me which information do you want to i give you

The .bin log has everything in it we need, and we can go through what things are affecting stability or what might cause a crash. There’s many things, almost never just one.

My initial impression is that 200km/hr deployment speed is about 3 or 4 times faster than what your copter can handle. If it can even stay together in one piece it might need to wait until it slows down to about 60km/hr before trying to stabilise and fly by itself. The wind turning the props and motors backwards (or even forwards) could be a problem for the ESCs in two ways:

  1. possible over-voltage, not sure how those Alpha ESCs will deal with it - at least the battery will get some charge
  2. it may be very difficult for the motors to start up in the correct direction
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Now i cant share it . i want to know is it this work possible for arducopter quadcopter to launch it from a mothership aircraft which it has 180m/hr speed and it can stabilize it ?

You can always anonymise the log if your location is an issue.


Actually the first question that popped into mind: Is this related to all the crazy drone sightings in USA?

This sounds like a military application to me. I’m out.

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i dont have logs because my sd card which in the flight controller crash after the last test i just have these logs which i share with you , thanks for your answers.

Can anyone help me with this information ? thanks

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