Landing gear Issue

Hello, has anyone had the problem with the Landing gear with the parameters of LGR_DEPLOY_ALT & LGR_RETRACT_ALT that when they are at values 20 & 23 respectively and the Dron y up to 40 m. or more, the FC start to send the signal to Deploy and Retract repeatedly very fast without any input of the control. ONLY with those parameters activated and only passing the 40 m.

Are you using ArduCopter 4.5.7 ?

I have Ardupilot 4.5.4

Try increasing the difference between the two parameters. for instance 15 and 30m.

by Watching at my lidar signal when is out of range the Lidar goes between 0 and some high altitude, it matches the switching between Deploy and Retract. but how can I avoid the switches? is there a way to ignore the Lidar at that altitude?

the range of my Lidar is 40 m that why is starts at that altitud.

You need to set max range of the lidar to a value below what far noise shows. Somewhere around 38m should be good.

Actually I have the parameter for max cm at 3500, the min at 30cm and ground clear at 70 cm