Landing from an altitude of 10m or less

Please tell me about LAND Mode.
If the quad goes into LAND Mode at an altitude of 10m or less (eg 2m), will the quad climb to 10m before landing? Or will the quad land from its current altitude?

Yes, from any altitude.

Thank you for the information.
Of course, I have already read the document “LAND Mode”, but I asked because there was no description when the current altitude is 10 m or less.

Not sure what the significance is of 10m or why it would be mentioned for Land mode. When in doubt run it in the simulator and see what happens.

Edit: You are probably looking at LAND_ALT_LOW? If it’s below this altitude when you trigger Land it will drop at LAND_SPEED.

In fact there’s an RTL parameter to make the craft climb if you need it to
RTL_CLIMB_MIN (centimeters, zero by default)
Otherwise RTL uses RTL_ALT or current ALT if greater than RTL_ALT
This doesnt apply to LAND mode though, LAND is LAND now, straight down.

I am checking the landing function of a small quad indoors (hovering and landing in Stabilize mode). Sometimes it lands well, and sometimes it rises and hits the ceiling before landing. It will land well when landing from hovering, but it seems that it may rise when the altitude is not yet stable.
I will check a little more while logging. I will also challenge the simulator.

That sounds like the problem of pressure inside a room affecting the barometer. Start your own thread and supply a .bin log file.
If planning to keep flying indoors you will need a good range finder for altitude and possibly an optical flow sensor for positioning. Don’t fall into the trap of getting a cheap sonar for downward facing altitude.