Many tests the last days reveals a problem with v3.2 stable and landing detection.
In Auto Missions the RTL and LAND functions are working very fine.
In loiter, stab or althold flight modes the manually performed landing procedures are very unstable.
After the touch down most of the motors are running idle. In many cases 2 motors are accelerating a little, which cause the copter to flip over.
Example: 2014-12-28 16-01-00.log
Motors CH1 and CH2 are increasing PWM, all others are idle.
In opposite see: 2014-12-28 16-58-18.log
All motors are idle when touch down. In Auto Missions or in Landing mode the land detection process seems to be much shorter as in manual flight modes.
This behavior was not usual in v3.2 RC9, This problem come up with the stable version.
I have many similar examples like this and many broken propellers to examine this problem.
Any suggestions to avoid this?