Knobs on my Fs-i6x

I have a s500 dev kit and I have fully built it however the knobs aka channels 9 and 10 do not show on mission planner. The controller I am using is the FS-i6x. I need these knobs to controll how far the claw stretches

You are stuck with only 6 channels.
My advice is get a EdgeTX-compatible transmitter with ELRS and a suitable (little) receiver. There will be a steep learning curve but you wont regret it in the long run. Get something with a big colour screen and run the Yaapu telemetry script too - you will wonder how you ever managed to live before.


Hi so the thing is I can’t because all the drones need to be compention standard meaning we can only use the supplies they give us. Are you sure there is no way I can’t run a script to open the claw using a servo or change how far down the claw goes using the knobs as we have 1 switch for kill switch, one for normal, and cine another one for flight modes, and one free switch. The one switch can work however I won’t be able to raise the strings attaching the claw to the drone using a servo.

Depends on the receiver you’re using. Some are only 6ch, but some are 10.

Here’s the manual for your radio:

Ok I have the FS-ia6b :frowning: is there a way I can get 10ch with that or it that just locked and can’t happen. I mean my team might be ok spending the money for it but if there is a way please let me know

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I’ve never used Flysky, but I’d say the 6 in the model name is a big clue you’re out of luck. You’ll have to do some research but either find a 10 channel rx for that system, or follow the earlier suggestion and go with ELRS.

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No. Whoever selected that as a standard for an Ardupilot craft would seem to be misinformed.

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OK thank you my team prob will get a 10ch version of the FS-ia6b later in the season when we need it the most.

That was the comp. organizers: Aerospace Robotics Competition ARC — STEM-ED. Seems stupid to not suggest a 10-channel receiver. We buy kits from directly they get it in bulk so it is cheaper.

Doesn’t that say $200 for the RC System with a “recommendation” for that shitty radio? $200 easily gets you a serviceable system if you ignore the recommendation.

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Did you try looking into this 10 Channel Mod with FS-iA6B? · Issue #20 · benb0jangles/FlySky-i6-Mod- · GitHub ? I modded my FS i6 to I think 16 channels and was (in theory) able to add more switches for those channels through the trainer port…

But I still don’t recommend that Remote, my gimbals had so much drift that after a few months I couldn’t fly anymore…

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They sell kits on a seperate site so we spent like 825 dollars for everything without any purchasing from other sites.

What do you mean drift like stick drift?

Yes, stick drift in the potentiometers

The ia6b is up to 16ch capable via ibus/sbus. You should have access to ch 9 & 10 assuming the TX is configured to use those and you are using ibus or sbus. the 6 refers to the number pwm channels available on the RX itself. Hope that helps.

Just checked on the i6x, it is only capable of providing 10 ch if you use the ia10b RX, you should have gone with the i6s, it is capable of driving all channels via sbus using the ia6b and the dev kit should be connecting via sbus anyway… I have a spare i6s if you cant exchange what you have, should be similar in price.

That they are shitty gimbals. It’s the cheapest radio you can buy. YGWYPF

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So my ia6bwill now be able to provide 16 ch using ibus/sbus

Ok so I am sorta confused should I get the ia6s or ia10b and can I still use the ia6b for all my aux functions. If I can only get teh ia6s or ia10b how much would you sell the ia6s.

No, it will only do up to 10 via PWM… didn’t see Ibus or Sbus as an option. I’ll sell you one of my spare i6s. It’s capable of 10 channels and can either do ibus or sbus so you can use the RX you already have and push 10channels via sbus/ibus.