Hi all. I am new to embedded world. I want to know the following.
- Does pixhawk V2.4.8 has a JTAG port? If yes, where?
- I have been using pixhack V3. Can anyone confirm if pixhack V3 also has a JTAG port? If yes, where?
Thanks in advance
Hi all. I am new to embedded world. I want to know the following.
Thanks in advance
I have seen them only on mRo made boards.
Good day, pixhawk 2.4.8 have the jtag pads for the main FMU and also for the IO co processor. Pads are on the top of the board and you have to solder a connector so its more easy to access.
On pixhack v3 its in a serial so you need an adpter.
can you please point me to the schematics where it was shown that JTAG is in a serial port? It would be a great help if you do this. I tried a lot and couldn’t find it.
in pixhack v3 if im not mistaken the debug port is in serial4 but for access it you need ad adapter from cuav