So i’ve been trying to connect an old John Deere Starfire ITC antenna to the pixhawk cube orabge with no sucess
This antenna used to work with a SF1 signal (john deere proprietary, i guess) but in 2021 that service was discontinued on this Antenna moddel. At the moment it works with EGNOS.
I can read the NMEA messages from the receiver via a RS232 output + rs232 to usb converter in my computer.
At the moment i have GGA, VTG and RMC at 38400 Baudrate
To connect it to pixhawk i bought a RS232 to TTL converter.
Tryed every type possible, changed the baudrate to match the antenna and nothing worked (NO GPS).
I know the cable works as i have the here RTK base station working via serial. (GPS1)
What am i missing?