Hello Hive mind.
I have been using UM982 units for some time but with the latest i got i am facing a weird issue.
I have installed it on a Cube Orange+ and have followed as always the setup guide to the letter. I am able to connect to mission planner( i am
using ardupilot).
I have set all my offsets correct and at this point i should say i am using 2gps units. On GPS1 and set as GPS one i am using the Unicore
UM982 and on CAN1 as GPS2 i am using a Here4 GPS unit.
i have setup my GPS1 as GPS for Yaw and all offsets i checked multiple
times that they are correct but the problem i am facing is that as soon
as i do compass calibrations, since i have set my EK3_SRC_YAW to 3 (GPS
with compass fallback) i can instantly see on my laptop that my Drone is
headed 90degrees to the right from where its actually heading.
I have tried enable/disable a variety of settings but at the end it
always comes back to the same. Here is a log with Disarm on enable
i also downloaded uprecise and connected via USBC but even though before
i was able to see 28sats on GPS1 i am unable to see any info on this
software in order to check that both master and slave antennas are
receiving signals.