Issue with reading data from telem1 port of CUAV-X7+

An issue with reading data from the

telem1 port of CUAV-X7+
I am trying to integrate KingTech 210 ECU with Ardupilot firmware. The above .jpeg file explains the flow of my code. I made a library in the libraries directory of the ArduPilot (AP) source code. I have defined a serial protocol named “SerialProtocol_KT_ECU = 49” in serialManager.h file. I used the find_serial function from the serial manager library
to find the ECU instance and the find_baudrate function to check the baud rate. Then I initialized my port named “PAK_PORT”. After Initialization, I read data from that port into a buffer.
Then, I checked the header of the KingTech 210 ECU data packet (header1, header2, header3). Then I checked rpm, get, and other data and logged it using the AP_Logger library of AP source code.
I am not sure whether the port is correctly initialized or not. I am receiving “0” on PAK_PORT. Also, my added serial protocol is not showing in the mission planner’s full parameter list of serial protocol list. Kindly help me to resolve this issue.