Issue with downloading logs over USB

Lately on MP only i have an issue trying to download logs over USB cable.
I always use Cube FC and on 95% of my builds i have the additional USB cable installed since access to the side of the Cube is not easy.

I tested on 3 PCs one of which has fresh windows, MP and UAV drivers for sure installed.
Issue comes only when it relates to logs.

Maybe, I would check the baud rates first, and if you tap off ADSB STD board check that cable with the usb socket. I went diy with better wire and crimps and a 4 lead usb-C receptacle.

Baud Rates for usb cable are set to 115200 as also MP is set the same way. Problem is neither any cable or baud rate since when MP fails, QGC works just fine. USB-C and better cables is always a plus, but for now i am sure the problem is not the plug, not all the brand new Cube Cables i tested or simply a setting. As i tried to prove on my video it seems to be a program “bug” and not a hardware problem.
Thank you for your reply and suggestions anyway.

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Try updating mission planner to the latest beta version.

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I see this on a work machine that I can’t Beta update. It’s on 1.3.8979.17128
Other machines work fine on 1.3.9118.9104
On the work machine I just pull the Sd Card.

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In most cases its impossible to take the SD card out or even ask the user to take it out. Thats why i posted it here. Seems a constant solution is to download only via QGC