I’ve completed a few flights with my new 3DR IRIS over the past few days. For the most part the copter has performed as expected. However, now when I try to take off, the motors spin slowly without enough power to take off. Even at full throttle the motors don’t spin fast enough to lift off.
The last time it was working I had the Tarot gimbal attached, and I had loaded the “Iris with Tarot Gimbal.param” default settings after selecting the ‘V’ frame type.
Since then, I have removed the gimbal. So, I reloaded the Iris.param default settings. There were problems loading the settings and the copter’s LED started displaying two quick yellow flashes. I reconnected and loaded the default settings again, but I still had the flashing yellow LED. At that point I loaded the new firmware (3.1.5) when prompted in MP. That did not go smoothly either at first. I got the error “No Responce from board” (sic), but after several attempts the firmware seems to have loaded. Still at this point the copter will not take off after arming. There is just not enough power sent to the motors.
I completed the radio calibration, ESC calibration, and accelerometer calibration, but it still will not take off. During the ESC calibration when the throttle was passed through directly to the ESC, the motors would spin very quickly. So, the ESC seems to be working fine, and the battery is fully charged (12.52V). Still after calibrating the ESC, the motors will not spin up to full speed when given full throttle in Altitude Hold mode or even Stabilize mode.
Any ideas? I have a feeling that the firmware update or parameter load messed up something. Is there a way to reset everything to the default settings?