I flew my IRIS for the first time last weekend and it mostly went great, except for when the battery got low. I heard the aural warning and the copter immediately began to descend (the copter was in ALT mode the whole time). After touching down, the props were still spinning and I held the left thumb stick of my RC controller in the disarm position but nothing happened. The props continued to spin and after several seconds of sitting on the ground, the motors throttled up. This has happened on both flights I’ve tried, the second time the engines throttled up enough to actually flip the copter over on its back. I can’t imagine that this is an expected behavior.
I will try to replicate the problem with the GCS recording the flight data when I can but in the mean time, is there an easy explanation for this? Does IRIS need to be in STB mode in order to disarm?
Can you pull the log from the pixhawk and post it? Even with the GCS connected the telemetry logs are not as useful as the ones created on the autopilot.
Have you continued to see this behavior? I flew my brand new iris for the first time tonight and had the same problem. I am going to pull the logs to try and figure out what happened. Mine flipped on its back and continued to spin the props for a few seconds before disarming. My left stick to disarm did not seem to do anything.
Everything else seems fine other than my brand new copter now has scratches
As a safety measure, I always switch to Stabilize mode before disarming. I’ve noticed that other modes (AltHold, Loiter, PosHold) sometimes tend to do strange things with throttle when doing down/left on the throttle stick, including running the motors at a high RPM. I don’t know why, I suspect it might have something to do with it trying to yaw when you press “left” on the stick. In any case, in Stabilize, throttle at 0% means the motors are idling, no exceptions.
I have had the Iris+ for a few months and I have had it flip over while trying to disengage 3-4 times so far. It has only caused damage once because I was landing on asphalt and the blades were damaged. I was landing in GPS (loiter) mode and read somewhere that I shouldn’t do that but last week I was on location and it happened in standard mode :/. I have the Gimbal and FPV installed and try to keep my flying time at 10-11 minutes as a safety.
The other problem I had was while I was flying in GPS mode and throttling down from roughly 40 feet when the copter was at about 10 feet I increased the throttle well above mid if not completely to full and the copter continued to descend and slowly bounced off the ground. It happened once while I was descending form tree level and another time while I was hovering at 10 feet and tried to descend slightly and it landed in the sand briefly. If anyone has encountered this or can tell me what I’m doing wrong please advice . I guess I need to figure out how to get the log files off this thing also :/.