Integration of Pixhawk with other GNSS module

Hi! I use other GNSS module and connect it to GPS2 or telemetry port. So, is it possible to log the GPS messages to include the time data from GPS2? Or is the GPS messages of Dataflah log is already synchronize the internal clock with the timestamps of GPS2?

The same data is logged for all GPS instances, including GPS week and milliseconds since start of week.

However, that’s probably inconsequential, since millisecond resolution is quite large by comparison to the resolution required to make precise position estimates. If there is even a 1 ms difference between instances, you could expect enormous inconsistencies in position between the two modules. In other words, unless you are experiencing massive jamming or interference, looking at the time data for any single instance should be sufficient.

But do Data Flash logs include the time marks? Or only GPS logs?

So, as I understand, the GPS message will include time based on Pixhawk’s internal clock. If I want to synchronize with my module connected to the GPS2 port, I should use other software later to correlate them, right?

I don’t know which two log files to which you are referring. Dataflash logs include GPS time information. Most log viewers will offer the option to view logs on a timeline that includes actual time of day.

Here is an example, where you can see what GPS data is logged (across two instances), along with a plot of GPS milliseconds since start of week incrementing along the timeline, which is displayed in real-world time of day along the x-axis.

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