Installation issue at make sitl -j4

I have the following output when I execute make sitl -j4
I have followed the installation steps as in

hp@LAPTOP-59TH2EJC /cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/ArduCopter
$ make sitl -j4
Checking modules
echo “Generating MAVLink headers…“
Generating MAVLink headers…
Generating UAVCAN headers…
PYTHONPATH=/cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/ python /cygd rive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/dsdl_compiler/libuavcan_dsdlc “/cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/uavcan/dsdl/uavcan” -O”/cygdrive/c/User s/hp/ardupilot/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/include/dsdlc_generated/”

goto mavlink module directory and run the most recent generator script

echo “Generating C code using located at” /cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupil ot/modules/mavlink/
Generating C code using located at /cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modu les/mavlink/
PYTHONPATH=/cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/ python /cygdrive/c/Us ers/hp/ardupilot/modules/mavlink//pymavlink/tools/ --lang=C --wire-prot ocol=2.0 --output=/tmp/ .0 /cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/message_definitions/v1.0/ardup ilotmega.xml; if [ $? -le 0 -o $? -gt 128 ]; then echo “mavgen: success”; exit 0 ; else echo “mavgen: failed”; exit 1; fi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/mavlink//pymavlink/tools/mavgen.p y”, line 16, in
from pymavlink.generator import mavgen
File “/cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/mavlink/pymavlink/generator/mavge”, line 12, in
from future import standard_library
ImportError: No module named future
mavgen: failed
make: *** [C:/Users/hp/ardupilot/mk/ /tmp/ s/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/ardupilotmega/mavlink.h] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs…
// BUILDROOT=/tmp/ HAL_BOARD=HAL_BOARD_SITL HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE=HA L_BOARD_SUBTYPE_NONE TOOLCHAIN=NATIVE EXTRAFLAGS=-DGIT_VERSION=“42add82e” -I/cyg drive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/libraries/AP_Common/missing -DMAVLINK_PROTOCOL_VERSIO N=2 -DHAVE_CMATH_ISFINITE -DNEED_CMATH_ISFINITE_STD_NAMESPACE -DHAVE_ENDIAN_H -D HAVE_BYTESWAP_H -DUAVCAN_CPP_VERSION=UAVCAN_CPP03 -DUAVCAN_NO_ASSERTIONS -DUAVCA N_NULLPTR=nullptr -I/cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/incl ude -I/cygdrive/c/Users/hp/ardupilot/modules/uavcan/libuavcan/include/dsdlc_gene rated

Please tell me what is wrong. All above steps has been successfully executed.

Hello, how I can see there is error

ImportError: No module named future

You should precisely follow wiki instructions

Try to use this commands to install required packets for python.

python -m ensurepip --user
python -m pip install --user future
python -m pip install --user lxml
python -m pip install --user uavcan


Thanks for replying. But I already have installed all the python packages. I well have cross checked and did rerun those commands again , its already there.

Above is the photo of those commands I rerun and cross checked.
Is there a particular location I keep these files in??
Or do I need to write something in

According to log, somehow cant see this package, do You have Python folder in windows Environment Variables?

I have c:\python27 and c:\python27\scripts in variable “Path”

My cmd output:

C:\Windows\System32>python -V
Python 2.7.13

C:\Windows\System32>python -m pip install --user future
Requirement already satisfied: future in c:\python27\lib\site-packages


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Hi Guys and Hi Nikita,
First of all Thank you for replying Nikita.

After almost 10 -12 hours and trying different things I finally can run the : -j4 --map

What I did is , I uninstalled the python packages from Windows Command Prompt and reinstalled them by using cygwin.The packages got installed in the same directory but now the program was able to find it(Wierd , but thats how it is.)

Then it did not find my g++ , then I again reran the cygwin setup and installed all the packages with g++ and c++ tags.

executed this before the sim_vehicle : export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ardupilot/Tools/autotest
and then finally I could get the map running.

The documentation is little obscure and needs some refinement.

But Thanks to you for setting me on right track at first place.

@Jay_Jagtap Thanks for the success report. Please note that you can update the documentation with what you’ve found - there’s an “Edit on GitHub” link in the top-right-hand corner.