Inexperienced user support

The telemetry radios are generally not suitable for transmitting live video streams.

You have to learn not only to search for articles on the Internet but also to read the information on these articles. For example, with the Holybro SIK radio you linked above, the expected range is around “300m” and the normal transmission purposes are called “Mavlink protocol framing”. That is not everything that such a radio can do, but it gives a rough idea of ​​the range of applications.

All of the dangers you mentioned can happen, especially with a self-designed and built drone and complex Ardupilot system, if everything is not carefully set up and tuned. With an Ardupilot system, you can do much more than just simple flying, but it is not suitable for controlling an aircraft straight out of the box.

Some of the dangers mentioned can be reduced by choosing higher quality components, but on the other hand, this will cost more.

There is an endless amount of information on almost all of your questions here in the Ardupilot wiki and also here in the forum. And especially if you are new to the subject like you and the price also plays a big role, reading a lot of all these articles is an option to learn a lot, avoid mistakes and thus save costs.
Unfortunately, I have the impression that you are not yet so keen on reading all the available information. But that is not wrong; you are simply still young and impetuous and finally want to fly, it was no different for me 50 years ago. And there were a few expensive attempts before I could finally hover reasonably safely with an RC helicopter. But looking back, I am glad that I did not have the options we have today with precise autopilots like Ardupilot, because that is how I first learned to understand the aircraft and helicopter system. And the best pilot, whether human or autopilot, cannot fly with a bad machine, mechanics, electronics, etc.
And this is a big advantage over the devices so-called toy drones. With good products in this segment, specialists have taken on the task of creating a sensible product with good components and have tested them. This allows laypeople to gain their first experiences and learn from the designs.

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@RudrakshTek to get a feeling for the work that you need to do, read:

Are you willing to read and do what is described there?

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Actually I have started reading the Ardupilot documentations of many topics but I can say that I am reading quite a little everyday because my “main” focus is to have a good rank in Joint Entrance Exam (JEE 2026). To give you a detail of this exam, this is the world’s second most toughest exam! And after this, I will get into the Indian Institute of Technology, where I aim to have an Electronics and Communications branch.

But, The person I actually want to become, is not the one reading documentations only. I want to become the person who originates that documentations! The people designing ESCs, Pixhawks, Ardupilot software, FCs, Motherboards, circuits etc, I want to be one of them, dealing with core electronics, not just using the ready made modules…

I never learnt to read documentations…
It’s just that when I came here at ardupilot discussions, I came with a mindset that here, I will find UAV professionals like you people, and I will simply ask my doubts here, but slowly, people like you and Yuri, and amilcar and others showed me that ardupilot is a quite huge thing, not just limited to make and fly drone.
Currently, I am reading and learning to write Lua scripts for Pixhawk, to get into UAVs further.
I will try to do my best reading documentations and information… But my main focus remains on JEE 2026…

Thanks to correct me. As you said, you are quite elder to me, nearly my grandfather’s age, and I will not be angry from my grandfather if he corrects me, same here with you…

I am always more and more and more than willing to do ANY kind of electronics! :nerd_face::cowboy_hat_face:

What is this but? This is a GitHub page with many files there!? What should I read there? Is this a software which I should open in the Laptop? Because that is not running in mobile?

Sorry, wrong link, I edited the post above now.

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Downloading and configuring Pixhawk 6C Mini via ardupilot methodic configurator is a necessary step? As you mentioned that in this link you shared. Because I knew that, we have to just plug Pixhawk 6C Mini to MP, do some 30min mandatory hardware steps and Done! We are ready to fly!? So this methodic configurator should be used or it is optional?

This is far from the truth. With your level of knowledge The Configurator is by far the best path to a good tune.


As an experienced user, it takes me several hours to properly configure and tune a new Copter, even when using the most streamlined of paths to success.

If you just want to upload some firmware and let er rip, Betaflight might be more suited to your needs. But it is designed almost solely for stabilized RC control and has few to no autonomous features that take full advantage of the kind of hardware you are intending to use.


It is clear you have not read any of the documents or guidance that have been given to you here. I hope you are putting more effort in to your exams.

Betaflight is a good suggestion for you to consider.

I would also suggest you consider ready to fly product like a DJI Mini. By the time you download the apps, and set up the accounts it will take nearly 30 minutes to get one of those in the air.

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This is the main reason for

New expensive hardware with Pixhawk 6C will not not protect against crashes

But correctly using ArduPilot methodic configurator software will prevent most newbie crashes

So, no. For newbies it is not optional.


No beta Flight…
Only Mission planner…

But that would make me one of the “consumers” , not one of the “Developers”.

I don’t know why you people going so hyper…
I am just shocked because just 3 hrs ago I came to know about this thing called “Methodic configurator” And As you all know, I have only used apm, to fly a basic drone, so I only knew that mandatory hardware is the only thing to do!? And when I found a complex thing heavily named as “Methodic configurator” , I thought whether that is necessary or not…
But experience comes from experimenting only… At all costs I am ready to do experiment, even with such an expensive stuff!
I just get fearly excited when I see that you prepare your copters with so much of things!?

And also, I have read each and every of the guidance given here.
It’s just that I want to say, all I knew is Mission Planner, this app.
Mandatory hardware, Optional hardware, config/tuning, standard parameters, MavFTP, Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Tuning, troubleshooting, etc
I know all the things are there… But “All” is Mission Planner I believed.

I am going from a Highly beginner level to advanced, by talking to all the the developers like you, which causes natural excitement of new, heavy, complex, or expensive things.

It is not complex, it is simpler than mission planner and it is designed for beginners

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Sorry, Rudraksh, the methodic configurator was pronounced in March of this year by amilcarlucas. The blog post

has nearly 250 posts.
Every day are lots of posts which refer to the configurator.
But you say that you heard abaout it now 3 hours before.
The best what young people like you can do is to read and learn!!!
And not try and error. This is not the way a developer work.
Really the main work of a developer is reading documents to learn and use this for new developments.


Actually, in the March even, this blog post :
How to methodically tune(Almost) any copter…
Something like this I remember till now, I opened that because it came always below our discussion at that time, and due to its heavy name, And I just saw the image of the 3 or 5 inch quad at the top of post and read some of the details. I didn’t know the meaning of the Word “Tune” that time, so I thought that this might be a difficult thing to learn, and when I saw a “developer” named amilcar had made this, I became sure that this will be something a complex process…
So I didn’t continue it further…

I am also interested, highly interested in electronics and UAVs, so I will do my best to read and do things…, if I wasn’t interested in UAVs, why would I come at this ardupilot discussion place in the time of exam preparation!?

Yes, as I read into it today, I felt like this thing is only named heavily, while it’s a quite easy and useful process… Something making the quad more stable…
But listen, you have used some BLHeli_32 ESCs in your example drone, but Yuri sir told that BLHeli32 is having a bad bug! The motor can go to full throttle any time! Then it should be mentioned there in that page, to beware of these BLheli 32 ESCs and always prefer ESCs with BLHeli_S or AM32, and flash the BLHeliS with Bluejay !?

Yuri sir, you told that not to use BLHeli32 ESCs as they have a bug! But I see many many people still using BLHeli32 ESCs?
I am not understanding whether BLHeli32 is safe for use or not!?
Should I use BLHeli32 or Should I continue with previously selected Speedybee 60A BLS ESC?