Indoor Autonomous Flight Without GPS: GUIDED_NOGPS Mode Settings and PID Gains

I aim to perform autonomous indoor flights without GPS, using a Vicon system for positioning. With reference position data and a target yaw angle, I will use a PID controller on my companion computer to generate TRPY (Thrust, Roll, Pitch, Yaw) setpoints. The actual position and yaw angle obtained from the Vicon system will be fed back into the controller as feedback. The resulting TRPY data will then be sent to the ArduPilot flight controller (radiolink mini pix) in Guided No GPS mode.

Firstly, I’d like guidance on which specific parameters in ArduPilot (within the QGroundControl Parameters section) I should adjust. Which parameters should I modify to ensure stability and optimize performance in Guided No GPS mode?

Secondly, how should I tune the PID controller gains? What values should I set to achieve safe and stable indoor flight in this environment?

Your ideas and suggestions are highly valuable to me. Thank you in advance!

Temporary put a GNSS receiver on it and follow the steps automated by the ArduPilot methodic configurator software.

Once finished, remove the GNSS receiver, and use GUIDED_NOGPS mode

Thank you for your assistance. I followed your advice, attached the GPS, and calibrated the sensors. However, after removing the GPS, I started receiving a “compass not healthy” warning, preventing me from arming the system.

The point was not to calibrate only the sensors.

The point was to configure and tune the notch filter, the rate PIDs, the angle PIDs, the position PIDs…

Do you have a compass device connected?

The parameters you mentioned are: EK2_ALT_SOURCE = 3 (use barometer if no rangefinder), EK3_SRC1_POSXY, EK3_SRC1_POSZ, EK3_SRC1_VELXY, EK3_SRC1_VELZ, EK3_SRC1_YAW, MOT_SPIN_ARM, THR_MID, ATC_RAT_RLL_P, ATC_RAT_PIT_P, ATC_RAT_YAW_P, ATC_THR_MIX_MAX, GND_ALT_MAX, GND_SPEED. Are these the correct parameters I need to configure? I still have some doubts about which parameters should be adjusted for my setup. If you could provide a full list of the essential parameters for configuration, I would greatly appreciate it.

Additionally, my flight controller and GPS module each have a compass. However, after calibrating the sensors with the GPS connected, I get a “compass not healthy” warning when I remove the GPS. Since I plan to fly in an indoor Vicon environment, would disabling the compass be an issue?

The list of parameters are inside the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator software

You can see them once you install and use the software, I will not repeat them here.

Yes, disabling the compass will be an issue, but first you have other problems to solve.

Do what I said in my first answer first.

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