Could you please provide correct information regarding the link ( https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/guide-vtail-plane.html)
where information regarding basic concept of the V-Tail configuration is described incorrectly.**
thank you
Could you please provide correct information regarding the link ( https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/guide-vtail-plane.html)
where information regarding basic concept of the V-Tail configuration is described incorrectly.**
thank you
Can you be more specific regarding what part is incorrect?
Those movements there are for the stabilized corrections that the flight controller is doing when you move the plane, not what should be happening when move the controls.
Are you looking for V-Tail Planes — Plane documentation?
If that is the case , please mention as follows
For the Confirm RC Transmitter Input, you could mention for the yaw movements as follows
Yaw right |Both tail surfaces move right | Left V-Tail moves UP and Right V-Tail moves down
Yaw left |Both tail surfaces move left *Left V-Tail moves DOWN and Right V-Tail moves UP
Do you have a link where I could insert required mix for the V-tails during stabilized mode or is this completely taken care of by the Ardupilot or Px4 program
Seems correct to me.
It’s completely handled by the FC. You don’t need to do any mixing. The FC needs the AETR input and then it handles all the hard work when you set the servo outputs to the appropriate control surface.
As for the wiki: GitHub - ArduPilot/ardupilot_wiki: Repository for ArduPilot wiki issues and wiki-specific website infrastructure.
Example? What do you think servo should travel when plane goes right and ardu trying to bring plane straight /stable.
Are you asking me or the OP? I think the wiki is correct. Or at least it has been for the last three v-tail planes I set up.
The concern was the title where it is applicable only for Stabilized and other autonomous flight mode. This is not the case with Manual Flight mode.
Sorry Mate didn’t catch . Anyway, hope it sort it out.
One tip:
First activate the fbwa mode and check all surfaces respond as it should and then switch to manual and move your transmitter stick, because some time in FBWA mode it responds ok but not the transmitter sticks(vice Berea. in that case check servo output check boxes and check boxes under calibration until fbwa and manual mode respond correctly). Never ever do any reverse at transmitter side, you will crash.
Happy flying.
Good day ,
I don’t know where is the FBWA mode in QGC for a Px4 stack. I think this is for the Ardupilot stack only. Please assist if you know the location of this setting.
thank you
Yea, no problem with the WiKi with the one I configured.
This forum is for Ardupilot, not Px4. QGC, and many of the flight controllers we use can manage both firmwares, but they aren’t the same. I have no practical experience with Px4, so I can’t offer any guidance there. As for Ardupilot, here’s a link to the plane flight modes: Flight Modes — Plane documentation
Yes, I understand the forum is Ardupilot …thank you …